Is it possible to learn any lessons from teacher burnout? Read to find out a personal story of burnout and what it’s taught this teacher.

This is a strange thing to reflect on, as I come through what seemed like burnout HELL.
But as I contemplate the health battle I’ve been through, I want to learn from this difficult experience… FIRSTLY, because I don’t ever want to ever go through teacher burnout again, and SECONDLY, I want to share with other teachers these lessons, so you can LEARN from my MISTAKES in the hope you won’t have to go through it too.
Burnout is a very difficult time for anyone to go through, BUT when you combine this and a complete breakdown that I’ve undergone, I’ve realised there are NO quick fixes – it just takes TIME and PATIENCE to heal.
Unfortunately, the statistics for burnout are high for teachers, as well as other professions too.’
But, while it’s has happened to me, I’ve discovered some BIG lessons and I want to share these in the hopes that they might minimize the risks for others and help you avoid teacher burnout because, to be honest, who really tells teachers about this huge health danger?
Related Articles:
- 7 Honest Tips How to Beat Teacher Burnout (From Someone Who has)
- Are You At Risk of Teacher Burnout: Look for the Signs and Symptoms
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If you fear burning out and want to find out if you’re in the danger zone, take the burnout quiz here.
Lessons I’ve learned from teacher burnout
No. 1 – I needed to say enough was enough!
This was an intentional mental SHIFT I had to make.
I said enough was enough to being a WORKAHOLIC and I had to acknowledge the importance of prioritizing my own personal health and well-being over teaching – even though I struggled with being a PEOPLE PLEASER, and making sure my needs were met too.
Related Article:
- How to Start a Self-Care Routine for Busy Teachers
- 10 Important Essentials to Build Teacher Wellbeing
No. 2 – I had to search for what made ME happy
To be really honest with you, for the last few years I fell into a deep dark hole.
At the time, I didn’t realize what was happening to me. I had slipped into what I believe was work-induced depression and found little joy in my life.
But, through the experience of teacher burnout and my NEED to find rest to be able to recover, I rediscovered my passion and love of life.
I’ve also reconnected with all the little things that make ME happy. And I like it!
Related Article:
- How You Can Improve Teacher Happiness in Difficult Times
- How to Enjoy Your Life with 9 Relaxing Hobbies for Teachers
No. 3 – I became grateful for the little things in my life
In my search for contentment and through the study of holistic life coaching, I found gratefulness.
You might think this difficult to believe because as a whole, shouldn’t we all be thankful for the abundance we have in our contemporary life? Especially, as a person of faith? – Most of us can say that we’re well-fed, we have a comfortable bed to lay our heads and we own all the modern conveniences that make our lives easier and keep us entertained – we generally WANT FOR NOTHING!
Shouldn’t we be happy and content?
Not necessarily!
I wholeheartedly believe that in our world of consumerism and greed, a lot of us have lost the ability to be grateful for all the LITTLE things… to be thankful for each small gift and not to take it for granted.
I’ve now become more aware and intentional about observing my beautiful life for what I truly have.
Through my study on the Mind-Body Connection, reading books like; THE RESILIENCE PROJECT: Finding Happiness Through Gratitude Empathy & Mindfulness and by doing my own daily practice of gratitude journaling, I’ve become much more aware and sensitive to identifying all the wonderful blessings I have in my life… and it makes me glad.
I don’t know if this would have happened if I didn’t burnout.
If you haven’t tried it for yourself, I would thoroughly recommend Gratitude Journaling as part of a daily routine.
Read this post to find out more: Learn How to Improve Teacher Happiness with Gratitude Journaling
If you’re concerned about burnout, take the quiz here.
No. 4 – I recognised how important it is set healthy boundaries in my working life
For some time, I had struggled to set clear and healthy boundaries as a teacher.
Over time, I’ve become truly passionate about the need for educators to have these clear limits maintained in their life. I’ve written about this previously, to help other overwhelmed teachers to gain greater work-life balance and satisfaction in their jobs.
But it’s not until I burned out, that I’ve really understood how CRUCIAL BOUNDARIES ARE!
Often we can feel POWERLESS to set these healthy LIMITS and then feel obligated to become workaholics so as to get everything done.
But, I believe that without the necessary boundaries, all teachers will eventually experience burnout sometime in their career — Look at me… It’s been twice for me now!
Related Article: How to Set Boundaries as a Teacher and Why It’s So Important
No. 5 – I looked outside my realm of comfort to find healing
Without going through burnout, I don’t think I would have developed as a person as much as I have now.
In my search to recover and heal from the ravages to my health, I’ve needed to delve into unknown waters…
I’ve explored ALTERNATIVE wellness methods and ways to get a handle on my chronic stress… that I may not have discovered or even searched for before!
Related Articles:
- An Easy Way to Relieve Teacher Stress (You Won’t Believe How Easy it Is!)
- Why It’s So Important to Get a Handle on Teacher Stress?
In my search for answers, I’ve been blown away with my new discoveries of the POWER of the mind, AND through connecting with my own inner wisdom, I’ve had HUGE success.
I could go on and on about the tools I’ve found and the amazing power we hold as individuals, but I’ll let you read them in some of the following posts:
Related Articles:
- 19 Positive Teacher Affirmations You Need to Start Now!
- The Benefits of Fostering a Growth Mindset for Teachers
- Mindfulness for Teachers: 9 Easy Activities to Stay Calm in a Stressful Job
My understanding of the brain, and its ability to grow and develop, has been expanded, and I’m now open and new to wonderful techniques that will heal us, if we’re open to it.
No. 6 – I learnt new things about myself
In my journey to healing, my understanding of myself and my personal belief system and values has been revealed to me in a much deeper way. I’ve gained a closer connection with what my body needs and I hold a greater self-awareness, which makes me a MUCH better person.
So do I think I’m a better teacher because of all these things I’ve learned about myself?
In short, YES!!
There have been so many things that have come to light in this journey of self-discovery.
As a teacher, when we’re in a service industry, dealing with people every day – children, parents, bosses, administration AND the wider community, our priority MUST be to protect yourself EMOTIONALLY and also protect your ENERGY. (Energy depletion is a killer for teachers because, without it, we can’t function at your best).
I’ve learned to be prepared to CHANGE, even if it’s uncomfortable and outright difficult.
CHANGE IS NOT BAD. It can be difficult, but it’s to be expected.
It’s like the natural weathering in nature – sometimes it can be abrasive and wearing, but it’s part of the order of life and it’s in these natural events that beauty is created in the world we see.
The BIG lesson – Change is inevitable in teaching and education… AND IN LIFE – and YOU don’t need to feel negative about it.
Ummm... You can see that I’ve been through a very DEEP inner reflective time.
In finishing about teacher burnout
So, do I want to have to go through burnout again?
NO!! I think TWICE is enough in a lifetime!
But, it’s made me realise that sometimes we do go through difficulties for a reason. Without experiencing burnout, and dropping into a very low place, I wouldn’t have rediscovered myself and connected to ME, to the degree that I have done.
And I’ve also realised that sometimes through life’s crises, we CAN become better people… We learn things we can only learn in difficult times… which creates STRENGTH… builds RESILIENCE and TEACH us so many things… if you LET it!!
KNOCK KNOCK!! Hello Universe…I think I’ve learned what I need to learn now… for the present, anyway. 🙂
So, do I think I’m a better teacher for going through burnout?
I think I can say I’m a much better and stronger person from this experience, and that I’m more able to stand up for myself and my personal well-being.
I think I’m also clearer in my mind about the healthy boundaries that must be set between work and my personal life. (Even though this remains difficult for me to enact.)
And YES… I think I am a better teacher because from now on, I WILL protect my energy AND emotional wellbeing, which is much better in the long run for my students.
I hope this article has been helpful for you or anyone who may fear teacher burnout …or if you’re feeling stuck in a burnout cycle like I was.
I suppose, like any season of life, there are lessons to be learned… if WE are open to them.
Take care my friend.
Michelle x
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