Feeling Tired? Exhausted even? Are you looking for ideas that will lift your energy when you feel that teacher tired overwhelm you? You grab for caffeine and quick sugar fixes – I know about your stash of sweets in your drawer – but are these really the answer?! If you’re like me and want to […]

The Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Teacher [To their face, anyway!]
Have you heard some of these sayings that people use to tease teachers? You know, all the misconceptions and things you shouldn’t say to a teacher [to their face, anyway?] Read these top 10…have a laugh and enjoy them in a light-hearted spirit. I was listening to an interesting new podcast called Love Your Mom […]

3 Empowering Mindset Shifts for Teachers [That Will Change Your Life]
Read about 3 empowering mindset shifts for teachers that will help improve your life for the better. Life in the classroom can be challenging at the best of times, but now! Oh boy, are there some learning curves. This is where your mindset is so important. When I first started teaching I was full of […]

Exposing 12 Self Care Myths: Important for Teachers to Know
Exposing these 12 self care myths is important if you’re going to thrive as a teacher and take the actions you need to help stay strong and have longevity in your role. Many of us, at one point or another, may not have really understood what self care is truly all about. There might be […]

6 Important Lessons I Learned from Teacher Burnout
Is it possible to learn any lessons from teacher burnout? Read to find out a personal story of burnout and what it’s taught this teacher. This is a strange thing to reflect on, as I come through what seemed like burnout HELL. But as I contemplate the health battle I’ve been through, I want to […]

8 Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas for Busy Teachers
Are you a teacher and need some quick and easy dinner ideas for busy weeknights? Forget the takeaway! You can have delicious, healthy food, ready on the table for your family in no time at all! Read here for some meal ideas for time-poor teachers…or anyone who’s really busy and discover the secret to making […]

11 Humorous Lockdown Teacher Memes {You Have to Laugh at!}
Want to laugh at this crazy lockdown life? Read to find 11 humorous lockdown teacher memes to make you smile and ease the tension from the state of education at the moment. To be honest, teachers are a bit over all the changes and huge expectations placed on them this year. They’re tired, stressed and […]

Ready to Quit Teaching? – 7 Important Questions to Ask Yourself First
You might feel done and ready to quit teaching, but before you make any rash decisions consider asking yourself these 7 important questions. Many teachers are feeling like it’s time to leave the profession. And it’s true that educators are leaving in droves, particularly in their first 5 years. In addition to this 50% of […]

Mindfulness for Teachers: 9 Easy Activities to Stay Calm in a Stressful Job
Now more than ever in history should the emphasis be on helping educators minimize their stress. Enter – Mindfulness for teachers; a way to learn how to stay in the present, to focus on what you have control over and overcome chronic stress reactions. The world is an overwhelming place at the moment, and I […]

7 Easy Classroom Organization Ideas to Help Reduce the Clutter
Do you need help to be a more organized teacher? Read about my top 7 practical classroom organization ideas for solutions to help you sort through the clutter. If you’re reading this post, you might be just starting beginning to set up your classroom or… you might just be feeling like you need some NEW […]

50+ Empowering Self-Care Tips for Teachers, by Teachers
Are you an exhausted, worn-out teacher? It’s time to put yourself first, my friend. Check out the 50+ self-care tips for teachers from other teaching colleagues to help you to protect your energy and thrive. The practice of self-care is so important to the well-being of all teachers and particularly now in these uncertain and […]

10 Easy Working from Home Tips to Save Your Sanity (for Busy Women)
Are you forced to work remotely at the moment and struggling to get organized? Read to find these 10 helpful working from home tips, to help save your sanity. Good information for teachers and other busy professional women. You might be finding it pretty difficult at the moment while trying to work at home with […]

5 Working Smarter Tips for Teachers – Avoid the burnout spiral!
At the beginning of any new school year, it’s so essential to set yourself up the right way. To do this, you’ll need some clever working smarter tips for teachers to be your most productive, effective and avoid energy depletion. Do you ever ask yourself what are some ways of working smarter? Or have some […]

How to Enjoy Your Life with 9 Relaxing Hobbies for Teachers
How are you relaxing as a teacher? Do you struggle to wind down when you get home? Why not begin some relaxing hobbies for teachers and get that chilled vibe going. Teachers can’t seem to stop thinking about school Many times, as a busy wound up teacher, it is difficult to come home and just […]

Free To-Do List Templates for Busy Teachers
Do you struggle to get all your to-dos done as a teacher? Do you have a list as ‘long as your arm’ and need help to manage it all? This is where the to-do list templates for busy teachers comes in!

7 Honest Tips How to Beat Teacher Burnout (From Someone Who Has)
Are you a burned-out teacher? Or do you fear burning out? It’s a huge problem! Read my 7 honest tips on how to beat teacher burnout from my personal experience in the school trenches. Many teachers probably have their own personal ideas of how to beat teacher burnout, but I think the advice needs to […]

6 Easy Holiday Energy Boosters for Teachers
Is your energy totally drained after a busy term? Read about 6 easy ways to incorporate energy boosters for teachers over your holiday break to recharge your batteries ready for the next school year or term. We all have our own ideas on how to help ourselves RECHARGE over the school holiday break, and ENERGY […]

10 Important Essentials to Build Teacher Well-being
Read to find 10 essentials necessary to build teacher well-being, that will support your health and help you cope in the busy world of teaching. The components that constitute teacher well-being are very complex and are often different for everyone. However, there’s a well-known positive psychology theory by Martin Seligman, that discusses what he considers […]

Teacher Burnout Quiz – Find Out If You’re in the Danger Zone!
Have you ever wondered if you’re at risk of teacher burnout? Take the teacher burnout quiz to find out if you’re in the danger zone, so you can avoid becoming one of the statistics!! I’m so passionate about sharing my experiences about teacher burnout – because I’m one of THOSE statistics of teachers that have […]

What’s All The Fuss About Self-Care – Self-Care a Priority for Teachers?
What’s the big deal about self-care anyway? And why is self-care important for teachers? Should we make self-care a priority for teachers? The concept of self-care for teachers seems to be frequently talked about issue – a so-called ‘movement’ that’s discussed on social media, podcasts and the media at large. I don’t think anyone argues […]

35+ Favourite Online Resources for Classroom Teachers
Do you need some trusted and tested online resources for classroom teachers to help save you time searching the internet? I’ve gathered these online primary resources here in one place because I know that when I’m stressed and busy, I need to quickly find reliable resources to use in my classroom, so I’m sure you […]

A Must-Read Positive Behaviour Management Book – For Every Teacher!
Inside: Read the review of a must-read positive behaviour management book for any teacher that needs straight-forward and actionable strategies to get a handle on classroom management. Assertive discipline: Positive behaviour management for today’s classroom Author: Lee Canter Available as a Kindle Edition and book This post may contain affiliate links. IF you click a […]

19 Positive Teacher Affirmations You Need to Start Now!
Find out how shifting your mindset can be made by using these 19 positive teacher affirmations. Lift your mood, build resilience and assist you to thrive in a demanding job. One of the big things I learned in my early days as a teacher came from a mentor while I was on practicum experience. This […]

Enjoy the 7 Benefits of a Self-Care Bath Routine
Learn how to enjoy a self-care bath routine and experience the wonderful benefits to help you relax after a busy, stressful day at work. Making time for a self-care bath routine in your day is one of the easiest and enjoyable ways I’ve found to relax. It washes away more than just the dirt from […]

15 Easy Stress Management Techniques to Calm the Mind & Body + Free Printable
Read to find a variety of easy stress management techniques (great for busy teachers) to help relax, to calm the mind and body + free printable. Wherever you’re working at the moment, whether it’s at home or at school, the busyness can be stressful. The role of classroom teachers is complex and often comes with […]

Teacher Self-Care: It’s time for a Self-Care Inventory
While working from home, now is the perfect time to make an appointment with yourself and start to take teacher self-care seriously. Find out how to do an at-home self-care audit to boost your energy and support your health and wellbeing. There’s no time like the present! Right? While you’re here, get the FREE Self-Care […]

An Easy Way How to Relieve Teacher Stress (You Won’t Believe How Simple It Is)
Teaching remotely can be just as stressful as at school. Read here for a sure-fire way how to relieve teacher stress at this crazy time. Teacher stress is becoming an epidemic in many ways and some people allow it to take over their lives. And even working at home can take it’s toll. Don’t let […]

How to Stay Grounded in Times of Crisis & Anxiety
It can be very difficult to find your inner calm and stay grounded in times of crisis or when anxiety strikes. Do you ever feel like this? Often it can be hard to learn how to manage all the thoughts and overwhelming feelings of fear that can put our lives into a tailspin. But there […]

How you can Improve Teacher Happiness in Difficult Times
A while ago I really struggled to see out of the busyness and overwhelm of my teaching life and I thought things would be so much better if I could just improve my happiness. Sometimes we can get so caught up with the problems in our lives or at times of crisis, that we just […]

7 Tips for Teachers: How to Stop Thinking About School
Teachers, do you struggle to leave work at work; including all the thinking that goes with it? Find 7 strategies for how to stop thinking about school and relax. This can be a huge drain and burden for many teachers. Letting it all go after you get home, can be DIFFICULT. All the plaguing thoughts […]

7 Super Easy Ways to Simplify Your Teacher Life
Many of us as busy teachers are so overwhelmed with the workload, we need to find ways to simplify our teacher life in an effort to cope with the demands of the job. Read to find 7 simple things to do to help in your life! To help simplify your teacher life, the key is […]

The Benefits of Fostering a Growth Mindset for Teachers
Inside: Read about the benefits of developing a growth mindset for teachers to build resilience and cope with an ever-changing job. It is well-known in education circles that developing a growth mindset in students can positively change the way they learn. But what about a teacher’s growth mindset? Have you ever considered if you have […]

Why is it so Important to Get a Handle on Teacher Stress?
Inside: Read about the shocking impacts of teacher stress on your body and why it’s so important to destress. Is stress a silent killer? Stress often comes as part of the territory for many teachers, but it can eat you up if you let it! According to a recent poll, 46% of teachers reported high […]

The Secret to Easy Meal Planning for Busy Teachers
Inside: A busy teacher reveals her secret to quick and easy meal planning for teachers to save heaps of time and stop the overwhelm when you get home after a tiring day at school. I think one of the most important time-savers for busy teachers is to institute an easy meal planning strategy at home. […]

7 Tips How to Thrive as a Teacher Through the School Year
How to thrive as a teacher? That’s the million-dollar question on the lips of many educators. Read to find 7 helpful tips on how to thrive through the school year. In this busy profession of teaching, it’s really important for you to stay positive and put your best foot forward to be able to thrive […]

9 Engaging Review Games that are Quick & Easy and Aren’t a Waste of Time
Looking for ideas for engaging review games for your class that work? Read to find some quick and easy review games for primary students that won’t waste your time! Old ideas for revision Revision or review of learned classroom work can be a pretty boring task for kids. N.B. In Australia, we call it revision, […]

13 Tips for Successful Parent Teacher Interviews (No. 10 is a Must!)
Inside: Read for 13 helpful tips for teachers to plan and implement successful parent-teacher interviews. Check out tip No. 10! Have you ever talked so long at your parent teacher interviews that before you realised it, it was dark outside and you’re the only one left at school? Well, I have. Not a good scenario […]

A Simple Classroom Rewards System that Works
Read to find out about simple rewards that can be built into a structured classroom rewards system that works well for primary age students. Hey, there friend. I’ve talked about some pretty heavy topics lately, in particular, the back to school anxiety that affects some teachers. But, I thought in this article, I’d discuss implementing […]

5 Tips to Calm Back to School Anxiety for Teachers
Inside: Read 5 easy tips for how to deal with back to school anxiety for teachers and have a calmer start to the year. Are you always frazzled starting back to school? If you’re like me, you probably experience a certain amount of back to school anxiety with the lead up to school starting. Whether […]

31 Helpful Tips for Overwhelmed Teachers – Make some Changes in your life Today!
Inside: Teachers, are you feeling very overwhelmed at the moment? Keep reading for some helpful tips for overwhelmed teachers and make the change today. Many people in society feel overwhelmed, particularly busy teachers. This article will delve into the causes of overwhelm and suggests some helpful tips for overwhelmed teachers. I believe that the main […]

Are You at Risk of Teacher Burnout? Look for the Signs and Symptoms
Read to find out if you’re at risk of teacher burnout – look for the signs and symptoms before you succumb to this insidious health issue for teachers. Are you experiencing burnout, my teacher friend? Teaching is a tough gig and if you allow yourself to continue to burn the candle at both ends (like […]

How to Start a Self-Care Routine for Busy Teachers today!
Taking care of yourself as a teacher is SO important. Find some easy tips for how to make a self-care routine for busy teachers this new school year! I’m on a new self-care kick for the beginning of the new year AND a new decade. I’ve also written another article on how to make yourself […]

How to Make a Self-Care Kit for Tired Teachers
Inside: Do you need some ideas to create your own self-care kit? Read to find some easy items to make a self-care kit for you and other great tips too. When you have some time, set yourself up with a self-care kit to be ready for the times that get crazy busy, you’re tired and […]

Healthy Teacher Tips: Easy Ways to Add Walking to Your Day
Read to find some helpful tips to be a healthy teacher and add walking to your day. Reap the awesome benefits and walk your way to renewed teacher health. I’ve been on a mission to improve my own personal wellbeing and I truly aspire to be a healthy teacher. Improving my health will go a […]

Mindful Mornings for Teachers: Bring on a Calmer Teaching Day!
Are you looking for a calmer start to your teaching morning? Enter: Mindful Mornings for teachers as an important life hack that you can incorporate for an intentional and calmer day. I struggle so much with mornings. I’m just not a morning person, but… I would like to be. Can you relate? Do you hate […]

15 Funny Teacher Memes – Only Teachers Will Get!
Read 15 Funny Teacher Memes only teachers will get. Share them with your teaching buddy to make you both laugh out loud and improve your day!. Who doesn’t love to laugh? I know I love a good laugh and it makes me feel great. Comedy movies are my most favourite! Clever humour like; Shaun of […]

Clever Classroom Rules in Middle School: Tips for Teachers
Having clearly defined classroom rules in middle school is the key to any successful classroom management plan. Read on for tips for beginning teachers. The key to classroom rules that work for any age, but particularly for middle school is that you need to first teach them to your students, refer to them often and […]

How to Set Boundaries as a Teacher and Why it’s so Important
Important information on how to set boundaries as a teacher that are clear and healthy and why this is so important for life balance. Do you find that teaching takes over your life and you have trouble setting clear boundaries for yourself? Many of us have this issue. The boundaries in our teaching life can […]

Learn How to Improve Teacher Happiness with Gratitude Journaling
Find out how to improve teacher happiness with gratitude journaling. Read easy tips and 25 prompts to help kick-start your journaling journey. Have you wondered how to improve your happiness as a teacher? I know it has been something I’ve thought about many times. I’d heard about the wonderful health benefits of gratitude journaling, so […]

10 Must-Read Articles for Teacher Productivity Hacks
Are you ready to save time in the classroom this year? Read on to find 10 great articles for productivity hacks for teachers to work smarter in the classroom. Teachers have such an important role each and every day. You’re a legend! But the problem is, the job is such a mammoth task you can […]

10 Habits for Healthy Teachers + Free Printable
Inside: Find some new habits for healthy teachers to foster in their day-to-day lives. Includes free Healthy Habit Tracker if you sign up. Do you want to change your bad habits? Sometimes as a teacher, you might have some habits that pull you down or keep you negative or even stressed. This can keep you […]

Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas for Busy Teachers
Inside: Find a variety of tasty suggestions for quick and healthy snack ideas for busy teachers on the go all day, which can be prepared the night before. Your belly is groaning. It’s 11:00 am and you are walking around on oval duty. You left your room so quickly you forgot to grab your lunch […]

Easy Back to School Activities for Teachers to Get to Know Your Students
Inside: Find out a variety of easy back to school activities for teachers to “Get to Know” your students to help build connections and community in your classroom. It’s crucial, at the beginning of the school year, to quickly get to know your student’s and their names. This helps to build positive rapport and connection […]

Teachers – Want Work-Life Balance? Try This!
Do you ever ask yourself how to achieve healthy work-life balance for teachers? Read to find two important tips to implement boundaries and get the balance you desire. Updated: 5th February 2020. For many teachers, it’s very difficult to have the work-life balance that you crave. Lately, I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed with the workload […]

6 Easy Ways to Use Mindfulness in the Classroom + Free Printable
Inside: This article explains how to use mindfulness in the classroom to relieve stress for both teachers and students with quick and easy activities. Are you looking for ways to slow down the busyness of your teaching life and calm both you and your class? Mindfulness in the classroom is the answer! Some days I […]

Teacher Voice Care: How to Protect Your Most Important Resource + Free Information Sheet
Inside: As professional voice users, teachers often push their voice to the limits. Read this article for details about some practical strategies for teacher voice care. “Girls and boys please follow my instructions carefully.“ I had repeated this phrase countless times to my class that day and my voice sounded more and more like the […]

Practicing Teacher Self-Care to Prevent Burnout
Teaching can be an extremely busy and stressful job and it’s a must to prioritize yourself by implementing a regular teacher self-care routine, to help prevent burnout. Practising self-care for anyone,m including busy teachers, is much more than just having a daily shower or brushing your teeth. I discovered the importance of self-care when I […]