Teachers, do you struggle to leave work at work; including all the thinking that goes with it? Find 7 strategies for how to stop thinking about school and relax.

This can be a huge drain and burden for many teachers.
Letting it all go after you get home, can be DIFFICULT.
All the plaguing thoughts that won’t leave you alone, even when you’re trying to sleep.
I know about this problem. Over the years, overthinking has been a major issue for me – How to ‘turn off the teacher-brain’.
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So, in an effort to change, I’ve been pondering how I can have more balance in my life and how to set some boundaries.
But why does teaching plague out thoughts so much?.
Why do teachers think so much about school?
As I ponder my situation, something that has dawned on me – when I’m really passionate about something in my life, I can be compulsive. I let it run my thoughts and because I love it so much, I end up working at nights, on weekends and any time I can fit it in.
My husband was the one that identified this with me recently.
He told me that he was concerned that if I wasn’t careful, even my new passion for blogging and writing articles for all you lovely teachers, would end up burning me out. AGAIN!
This statement from him was a revelation to me.
The more I thought about what he had said, the more I realised that my passionate nature combined with having a tendency to be compulsive and tenacious, as well as a hard worker, might have contributed to my burnout as a teacher.
Woah! Big light-bulb moment!!
Could I actually be part of the problem?
I’m sure many teachers understand this passionate nature. Do you find you can be like this too?
If you want to make a difference in the life of a child and impact them, I know it can play on your mind.
As teachers we care TOO much sometimes!
With this in mind, I thought I’d share some ideas I’ve learnt recently to reinforce the skills of how to STOP thinking about school and to mentally leave work at work.
Are you ready to get started?
How do teachers stop thinking about school?
Here are 7 helpful ideas that will make a difference for you:
1. Make an appointment after school
This is a great tip on how to STOP thinking about school.
To get your mind away from the thoughts of school and students etc, intentionally make an appointment with a friend to have a coffee outside of teaching, and then DEFINITELY don’t talk about school.
Yoga is also a great way to wind down and get your thoughts away from the job. Yoga is a calming activity which will help clear your mind as well as start the relaxation process ready to enjoy uninterrupted peace at home.
It might only take making some sort of other mundane appointment; like seeing the doctor or the accountant, or it could even be some time for YOU, like having a manicure or seeing your hairstylist.
But these types of appointments made after school will help you to SWITCH GEARS with your thinking.
2. Change your clothes when you get home
By changing your clothes, this will help you to alter your mindset and feel like you are ‘OFF THE CLOCK’ so to speak.
I LOVE this idea because by changing into a different set of clothes is an outward way of saying work is done and signifying the change so that your brain knows to switch off from work.
I’ve also observed other people taking a shower too, which is a great idea to WASH OFF school 🙂 when you get home
3. Set boundaries between home and work
This can be quite hard if you’re working from home, but you’ll need to think about some way how you can have boundaries to get some life-balance.
Thre are more ideas for remote learning and working from home here: 10 Working from Home Tips to Save Your Sanity
A good boundary to kick things off, is to set a deadline by the clock that you’ll no longer work. For example; at 5:00 pm you’ll stop doing schoolwork or reading emails until the next workday
Another great idea is to set up a CLEAR designated work space in your home. Having this set up will make all the difference because when you are in this space, and with clear communication, your family will know you’re are on the job. Then, when you move away from your desk or office etc, you’ll know too, that work is finished for the day and turn off work-thinking.
By setting some clear and healthy boundaries to manage your job, even when working from home, is crucial to gain the WORK-LIFE satisfaction you’re craving in your life.
If you don’t have some sort of clearly delineated limits in place, you run the risk of your job being all-consuming in your thoughts and your home life.
Read here for some other ideas for boundaries you can set in your teaching life to help you.
Related Articles:
- How to Set Boundaries as a Teacher & Why it’s so Important
- Teachers – Want Work-Life Balance? Try This!
4. Clear your mind as you drive home
If you’re back in the classroom, use your drive home to mentally PROCESS your day and if you need to after you arrive in your driveway, WRITE DOWN anything that popped into your head that might need to be done the next day.
Now, as you walk to your house, actively make the mental shift that you are NO LONGER at work and ‘close the door‘ on this thinking. (If you need to imagine a door closing – DO IT and let it all go!)
It’s now time for the family!
5. Use Positive affirmations
Use some positive affirmations to help transition you from school to home.
Here are some affirmations you could say to yourself:
- I choose to leave work at work and no longer think about it at home
- When I’m at home I only think about my family
- My family are in my thoughts when I’m off the clock
- I set clear thought boundaries and leave thinking about school at school
Look… I know this is tricky because I’m one of the greatest overthinkers there are. Ask my husband… But, it’s something you could try.
Related Article: 19 Positive Teacher Affirmations You Need to Start Now!
6. Release pent-up stress
In your evenings, find an activity to release the stress and frustration you experienced from your day at school.
Walking is a great way to include in your day to help with stress relief, plus it gives you wonderful health benefits. By pounding the side-walk or road you can help manage your stress and also improve your mood.
Related Article:
- Healthy Teacher Tips: Easy Way to add Walking to Your Day
- 15 Easy Stress Management Strategies to Calm the Mind and Body
7. Mindfulness
Use Mindfulness activities to help get your head into the present and INTENTIONALLY move your thinking away from school.
Mindfulness activities are also a great way to reduce stress, according to a recent article by Positive Psychology.
Mindfulness activities can include things like:
- deep slow breathing
- adult colouring-in activities
- body scan
- meditation
- mindful eating
- walking
- stretching
Related Articles:
- 6 Easy Ways to Bring Mindfulness into the Classroom + Free Printable
- 15 Easy Relaxation Strategies to Beat Stress!
- Mindfulness for Teachers: 9 Easy Activities to Stay Calm in a Stressful Job
These 7 mindfulness activities are really terrific ways to help cut those imaginary ties that often seem to keep our thoughts on school.
Finally…A last word on how to stop thinking about school
If the barrage of thoughts you experience about school and your students do continue to plague you after work, try some of these easy, but helpful strategies to mentally leave work at work.
Give them a go! Let me know how if they help you.
Remember you’re worth it!
Michelle x

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