Have you ever wondered if you’re at risk of teacher burnout? Take the teacher burnout quiz to find out if you’re in the danger zone, so you can avoid becoming one of the statistics!!
I’m so passionate about sharing my experiences about teacher burnout – because I’m one of THOSE statistics of teachers that have HIT THE WALL – BIG TIME!
I’m all too aware of the signs and symptoms of burnout in teachers, BUT I never used to be.
Many teachers often hear all about the risks of teacher burnout, however, Do you really don’t know much about it, or even what to look out for?
I think it’s so important for ALL teachers to have a realistic view when it comes to burnout and to make sure you find out what burnout LOOKS LIKE and FEELS LIKE, and even how to recover from this insidious condition so you can guard yourself against it.
I’ve written many articles on teacher burnout… from the signs and symptoms, to how, in my opinion, to prevent burnout & even the lessons I’ve learned after burning out, as a stretched teacher.
It’s important to know the facts about burnout in teachers
I’ve also researched the topic thoroughly, specifically in stress management as a certified Holistic Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner.
So I’m fully aware of this serious medical condition and the implications of workplace burnout.
Therefore, in my opinion, if I was your coach (especially seeing I personally know what it’s like to experience teacher burnout), I’d tell you to KNOW THE FACTS.
To become more aware and protect yourself from becoming one of ‘those’ burned out teachers, I thoroughly recommend you to judge for yourself by assessing where YOU are at.
To do this, TAKE THIS TEACHER BURNOUT QUIZ and find out if you’re in the danger zone.
I honestly wish I had known how HIGH the risks are for all teachers.
My job now is to make you more aware and also ensure that this important topic is open for discussion to make sure PROTECTIVE MEASURES are implemented in all schools. This firstly starts with YOU!
We talk about student welfare and wellbeing regularly but NOW IS THE TIME to talk about what you need to thrive as a teacher.

Why take a Teacher Burnout Quiz?
I don’t want to scare you, BUT to enlighten you…
The medical profession knows so much more about burnout now – even the W.H.O. has updated its definition of burnout from ‘a stress syndrome‘ to ‘syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.‘
The tide is changing.
And there is so much you can do to avoid teacher burnout and come back from it if it does strike.
But first…
Find out if you’re in the burnout danger zone!
We know teaching is stressful and it can be scary about the risks, but here’s your chance to make a positive change now!
Start by completing the quiz HERE:
Related Teacher Burnout Articles:
- 7 Honest Tips to Beat Teacher Burnout (from Someone Who Has)
- Are You At Risk of Teacher Burnout? Look for the Signs and Symptoms
- Ready to Quit Teaching? 7 Important Questions to Ask Yourself First
- 31 Tips for Overwhelmed Teachers – Make Some Changes in Your Life Today!
- Fight Teacher Burnout with a Self-Care Day
- Practising Teacher Self-Care to Beat Burnout

Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.
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