Taking care of yourself as a teacher is SO important. Find some easy tips for how to make a self-care routine for busy teachers this new school year!

I’m on a new self-care kick for the beginning of the new year AND a new decade. I’ve also written another article on how to make yourself a self-care kit you’ll also love.
But, the start of a new year is an awesome time, while you’re a bit more refreshed, to help take better care of yourself and find out what your body truly needs.
The art of self-care might be new to you, so with anything new, you’ll need to begin by creating a habit. This is where a self-care routine comes in.
For many of us as teachers, we’re so busy taking care of everyone else, we often forget about ourselves or just don’t seem to have the time.
But, this is a new year, with a chance to start afresh and become a new and better you.
Creating a self-care routine will take some effort. Like anything good in your life does. Now is not the time to be complacent about your health and wellbeing.
But, you’ve got this! I believe you can make it happen. 🙂
Are you ready, willing and confident to make some positive changes that will help you have a more balanced life?
Self-care Calendar [FREE download] Have fun trying some new ideas for your self-care routine:
Visualise a balanced life where self-care is a priority
Firstly, can you help me out?
I need you to think about how you already take care of yourself.
Are you where you want to be? or do you need to make some changes?
I’m here to help you to make the change YOU need to create the teaching life you want.
Now… I want you to think about how you WILL feel when you are making time for yourself.
Does it feel good? Can you see a clear picture of your life with balance in it?
Do you imagine yourself feeling relaxed and happy? Your body won’t have the wound-up-tightness in your neck and shoulders and you will feel much calmer and more joyful.
This WILL happen if you start to include some self-love in your day and week.
You NEED to believe it can happen.
FINALLY, you won’t be neglected, because you’re not going to be missing out anymore!
This is a great start for you.
If you can visualise the positive things you want in your life, this will give you the reason to make the necessary changes.
How do you find time in your busy schedule for a self-care routine?
If you are going to get a self-care routine going you’ll need to prioritise these activities in your life. This means adding them to your to-do list.
Ok. Go ahead now and think about how often you will need to add some new activities to your list.
Is it daily self-care you want? or would you like more time to accomplish weekly self-care opportunities?
Now that you have worked out your goals for the year, the next step is to mark these times into your diary and then put them your to-do list. This is important if you want to get it done. It’ll be there in black and white!
But remember small consistent steps are key to starting any new habit and as discussed in an article on Prevention, consistency will be key for your self-care routine to stick.
Self-care needs are different for everyone
Self-care can be a lot of different things to different people, but at its core, it’s about prioritising yourself – engaging in activities that will light you up, elevate your energy and bring you fulfilment.
It doesn’t need to complicated. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It just needs to feel good and come from a place of intention & awareness.
When it comes to self-care, I think the most powerful thing you can learn is how to:
- listen to your body
- identify its needs and
- act with intention and awareness to nourish your mind, body and soul in whatever way it’s craving
Now you might be thinking, “What are some are some self-care ideas that address all three areas in my life?”
Well, that’s a great question.
A self-care routine for your BODY
Self-care activities for your body are pretty easy to work out. These activities should meet the needs of your body and nurture your physical self.
It might be a go-to beauty ritual like painting your nails, doing a face mask or facial scrub – something that makes you feel beautiful and loved. It might just be washing or brushing your hair. Anything that gives you some TLC.
A self-care routine for your MIND
Self-care activities for your mind will encompass all things that feed your thoughts. These things might be educational or study-related or they might be mindset activities to help change the way you think to be more positive.
Anything that you can do to help your mental health.
A great self-care activity for your mind is to pull out your journal and make a celebration list of all the wonderful things that you’ve accomplished through the week, month or year. Big or small, write it down!
Celebrating each step along the way, is crucial to you achieving your goals, even if you’re are not there yet.
A self-care routine for your SPIRIT
Self-care activities for your spirit are things that can give your soul a lift and enrich your life. This can be so different for everyone.
I know that by just cutting some beautiful roses or lavender from my garden and arranging them in a vase for my room, helps give me such a wonderful joyful lift to my spirit.
What lifts your spirits? It might be listening to a favourite song and singing out loud to the words or just lighting a scented candle. Give it a try!
Related Article: 8 Simple Habits of Self-care for Busy Teachers
Self-care routine ideas when you have not time
So, for busy teachers, I know that self-care can just feel like another thing to do in the day when you already have so much to do.
But self-care DOESN’T need to take a lot of time.
I’m going to show you some easy activities to help you implement a self-care routine, that can be quick daily things, more intentional weekly things or planned monthly appointments.
Planning for them will make it much easier to add them to your already busy life.

Firstly, for some daily self-care ideas.
Related Article: How to Make a Self-care Kit for Tired Teachers
Daily self-care routine ideas:
- give someone a compliment
- write 3 things down you are grateful for
- light a fragrant candle
- enjoy a herbal tea
- give yourself a manicure
- pick some flowers and put them in your classroom
- start saying some positive and empowering affirmations
- go for a 10-minute walk
- start daily gratitude journaling
- drink 8 glasses of water
- do 30 seconds of deep breathing
- hug yourself – self-appreciation is important
- Do 1 minute of stretching
Well, they’re all quick & easy things, hey?
What about some weekly self-care activities?
Weekly self-care routine ideas:
Weekly self-care activities might have you spending a little more time, but with more intention, they’re not hard to implement into your week.
- catch up with a friend for a weekly coffee date
- take a luxurious bubble bath
- go to bed early and read for enjoyment
- cook and eat a healthy meal
- at one break take your shoes off and stand on the grass
- go home early and don’t feel guilty
- reflect on the 5 great things that happened through the week
- try some yoga
- go for a bushwalk and enjoy the scenery
- watch a favourite movie
- schedule a night in for ‘me’ time
Why don’t you use the FREE Printable Self-care calendar to help keep track of your routine.
So, what about some monthly self-care ideas?
Monthly self-care routine ideas:
More thought is needed to get these monthly self-care activities planned, but you’ll really look forward to them in your life when they’re written in your diary.
- do some cleaning around the house and crank up the tunes
- schedule a relaxing massage
- have a dinner out with your partner or best friend
- do something you love to do
- go for a shopping trip and buy a treat for yourself (shoes, maybe?)
- buy a new book or go to the library for enjoyment
- have a fun games night with your friends
When you think about it, there are so many great things to show yourself the care you need to thrive. These things will help feed your mind, body and soul. and boost your wellbeing. I’ve given you 31 easy ideas.
Here is my ‘go-to’ self-care routine
If you’re interested, I thought I’d share my top self-care rituals in my self-care routine that I use to recharge my life:
- Mindful Morning – I follow my morning routine of sitting quietly with a hot green tea while I set my intention for the day then follow with gratitude journaling and some deep focussed breathing
- Put on Music and Dance – I pick some upbeat songs and have a good old fashion dance (like no-one is watching) while I’m cooking
- Take a bubble bath with essential oil – this is such a luxurious and calming way to melt away all the stress in your body from the week.
- Go for a regular massage – a very enjoyable way to relax and release the built-up tension I often hold in my neck and shoulders. (I try and get a massage at least once a month).
Remember your choices don’t need to take long or even cost money. Listen to your body and do what it needs.
Download the FREE Self-care calendar here and make wellness a priority for you this year!
Are you ready to make self-care part of your routine?
Make it happen and feel the benefits today!
I’d love to hear of any ideas you have that are quick and easy for busy teachers. Let me know in the comments.
Remember, you’re worth it!
Pin this for later!

Michelle x
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8 Simple Habits of Self-Care for Busy Teacher + Free Printable
Practising Self-care to Prevent Teacher Burnout
How to Make a Self-Care Kit for Tired Teachers
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