Hey, do you need some new ideas for some fun attention getters for your classroom? Here are some easy ones that I have collected over the years, all here in one place!

We all know those quick sayings that can be repeated melodically and work really well to get the attention and quick focus of our students.
Get your free downloadable Fund Attention Getters poster here:
Benefits of fun attention getters in the classroom
Classroom attention getters are a terrific strategy to incorporate in your classroom management plan for any elementary/primary class.
As a teacher, you would be aware of the little time you have with your students each day – particularly when they are all on-task.
But by using this type of method of gaining their attention, I’ve learnt that it helps save so much valuable learning time.
This happens because when you use a rehearsed call and response system, you can quickly gain the focus of all the members of the class at once. This is valuable, as you then avoid the delay while you could be waiting for every single student’s eyes and ears on you. And in the process, it’s also a lot of fun for everyone.
Teach your students a variety of these types of call-backs and practice them regularly
Variety of Attention Getters are needed
I know I tend to fall back on my favourite attention-grabbers, but then when the same ones are used over and over, they get a bit monotonous and boring. – You know what I mean – Stop. Look and Listen. It works and is great when you can’t think of anything, but it’s boring!!
So change it up a bit!
Here are some fun new sayings, that you might have heard, or maybe not all of them – all in one place! (I’ve collected this list over the years).
Grab your FREE Printable of the 9 Fun Attention Getters here:

Fun attention getters & callback ideas:

Use these ideas to add to your classes repertoire – I know your students will love them!
The teacher calls first, and then the students respond:
- 1,2,3 eyes on me……..1,2, eyes on you!
- ‘Holy Moly …… Guacamole!
- All set?….. You Bet
- Hands on top! …… That means stop!
- Ready to Rock! ….. Ready to Roll!
- Macaroni and cheese ….. Everybody Freeze!
- Hocus Pocus ….. Everybody Focus!
- Sh. Sh. Sh, sh, sh. ….. Sh. Sh. sh,sh,sh.
- Chicka Chicka ….. Boom Boom!
- Stop, Look and Listen! (The teacher just calls this one only. This isn’t necessarily fun, but it works! ) This is still a good fall-back!
And don’t forget, download your FREE Attention-Getter Poster from the Teacher Resource Library here:
Practising your attention getters is important
It’s also important not to forget to explicitly teach your class any new callbacks that you’ve decided to use and to practice them regularly!
Also, remember to only have one or two call-backs that you use for a term and then swap and teach the children a new one. This stops students being confused over multiple attention-getters that might be in use.
The good news about classroom attention grabbers

With these easy chants, you’ll achieve quick responses from your class and get their focus very promptly.
Plus, you’ll save valuable learning time and have some fun in the process!
Add these to your teacher’s toolbelt of easy classroom management strategies that you can start now!
Hope you and your students enjoy these fun attention-getters for the classroom and swap them regularly to stop any boredom.
Get your FREE poster here:
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Michelle x
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