Find some of the best inspirational quotes for teachers to help motivate and inspire you on the days that you need it the most.

Some days as teachers we just need some inspiration to keep us moving forward.
You’re probably wondering about the things that can help inspire you.
Reminders help. Things in front of us. Things to make us think.
Related Post: 19 Positive Teacher Affirmations You Need to Start Now!
Inspirational quotes can motivate you
Do you love inspirational quotes? I know I do!
They are really effective to help remind us of why our jobs as teachers are important. They are also positive, keep you uplifted and can be really motivating.
I know I need this at times.
I have chosen, in my opinion, some of the best inspirational quotes for teachers.
These teacher quotes are funny, some are inspirational quotes for teacher appreciation and some quotes are just the truths about teaching!
Hopefully, these will help motivate you and show appreciation for the awesome job you do each and every day!
Quote #1:
You are a person first and a teacher second!
This quote is the most important of all. Don’t forget this! Ellen from Self-Care for Teachers reminds us of this one all the time.

Quote #2:
May your coffee be strong and your students be calm.
If you love your coffee this one is for you!

Quote #3:
Teacher? I prefer the term educational Rockstar!!
Aren’t we all rockstars? I know I am! 🙂

Quote #4:
A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart.

Quotes #5:
Educators are the only people who lose sleep over other people’s children.
Isn’t this the truth!

Quote #6:
It’s Monday teachers…put on your capes!
We are all superheroes.

Quote #7:
A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.

Quote #8:
Teach like a pineapple. Stand tall. Wear a crown. Be sweet on the inside.
I love this one!

Quote #9:
Good teachers know that sometimes you have to stop and just be silly for a few minutes.

Quote #10:
Teaching tiny humans is EXHAUSTING!
Quote #11:
“The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”
Robert John Meehan.
Quote #12:
“Teachers make more minute-by-minute decisions than brain surgeons…and that is why you are going home so exhausted.”
Dr Tina Boogren.
I hope these quotes make you smile and encourage you if and when you are feeling a bit low. Print them out and put them up on your wall.
Remember you are worth it!
Michelle xx
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