Recommended Resources for Teachers
I created this resource page to easily list the recommended resources for teachers with websites, favourite resources and companies that I use and/or those I know are valuable. This way you can quickly find great products and services all in one place.
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Resources for the classroom
Teaching websites and resources
Teach This Pty Ltd
Sign up for a yearly subscription for these innovative teaching resources and classroom games. I love this site. It has really great ideas that work well with curriculum content.
Website link:
Teach Starter
Another terrific site to sign up with. It also has some really great time-saving educational resources for primary teachers. There are lots of free things too!
website link:
Point Productions and Design
This website is a wonderful place to find quality teaching resources that are professionally written and designed at a very low price. A husband (designer) and wife (teacher) team.
Website link:
Twinkl Ltd
This site is a useful resource that has teacher created planning and assessment materials and teaching resources. Go and check it out
website link:
Teach 4 the Heart
A supportive website for teachers with practical advice & biblical encouragement to help you be the amazing teacher God’s called you to be. Teach4 the Heart website provides resources, courses and podcast.
Website link:
The CornerStone for Teachers
This website and blog have some very honest and helpful information and resources for all teachers. It has a range of things available; including teaching tips and resources, classroom management ideas as well as mindful motivation.
Angela Watson was a classroom teacher for 11 years and an instructional coach for 10 years. She is now advising teachers about productivity and having a positive mindset. She also has the Truth for Teachers Podcast series and the 40 Hour Teacher Work Week club.
website link:
40 Hour Teacher Work Week
Angela Watson’s club teaches teachers how to work smart. The club only takes on new members once per year. It is an excellent way to learn time-saving tips in all aspects of the job of teaching. New enrolments open in July of each year. I learnt so much from becoming more productive as a teacher doing this course. I would highly recommend it.
Website link: Join 40 Hour Teacher Week
Related Article: 35+ Favourite Online Resources for Classroom Teachers
Resources for outside the Classroom
Websites and Blogs:
Self-care for Teachers
This is a very helpful website for all teachers. Ellen Ronalds Keene is an Australian Teacher who is very passionate about the happiness, health and well-being of teachers. Her site, Self-care for teachers is an online teacher well-being hub that provides coaching services and a series of well-being resources. Ellen also has a podcast called Teacher Well-being.
Website link:
Teacher Wellbeing
Website link:
Teachers Thriving
A great site for teachers to help you to love your work, enjoy your life and make a difference
Website link:
Stress Management
SD Protocol – The State of Me
Innovative approaches to the management of stress relief.
Website link:
Recommended Books
Assertive Discipline: Positive Behaviour Management for Today’s Classroom by Lee Canter
This is an excellent book for any teacher to help with behaviour management. See my review for more information.
Self-Care for Teachers: Regain your Balance Reclaim your Time Renew your Practice By Dr Matthew Allen
This book is really helping me to understand the importance of Self-care for all teachers and to help regain my balance. It’s very informative!
A Moment for Teachers: Self-care for Busy Teachers [101 Ways for teachers to become more inspired, peaceful and confident in 30 seconds] by Alice Langholt
This is a quick read with some very easy ways to implement self-care into a busy teacher life.