Want to laugh at this crazy lockdown life? Read to find 11 humorous lockdown teacher memes to make you smile and ease the tension from the state of education at the moment.

To be honest, teachers are a bit over all the changes and huge expectations placed on them this year. They’re tired, stressed and are totally overwhelmed. It’s been huge!
So instead, why not have a laugh about it all, with these funny lockdown teacher memes.
You know laughing is good for you! (It’s got to be better than crying… and things can only get better, right? Right?!)
But, if the stress of it all is just getting too much, get the FREE Stress-Busting Tips for teachers HERE:
Anyway, as I promised these are my favourite funny lockdown teacher memes that I’m sure you’ll relate to – to help put a SMILE on your face. You know the sort, like the insider jokes only teachers get!
Even in times of great uncertainty, stress and overwhelm, it can CHEER you up, EASE the tension and help you focus on the wonderful work you do each day with kids.
Who doesn’t secretly love a good lockdown teacher meme?
1. I love this one! Here’s where the karma bus just parked!

The shoe is on the other foot for many parents, but I think they’re starting to get it now.
2. Thanks. A bit of teacher respect can go a long way!
Teachers are ROCKSTARS!! And don’t forget it! This altered perception was WAY overdue.
3. Finally! The understanding of why teachers need their holidays!

The need for teacher holidays is real! (I don’t think many of us could do the job, without the holiday breaks to recover).
4. Haha!! Teachers were finally pulled into the 21st Century

So many of my students tell me that all they want to do when they grow up is be a YOUTUBER. Now look who’s having to learn this too!
5. This is the thought for all teachers going back to school after lockdown

Is this even true?
6. Head slap!

7. Another thing that’s brought education into the 21st Century – What’s a Zoom meeting?

How revolutionary is Zoom for many. It will change the way we do meetings.
8. How’s distance education going for you so far?

I hope your distance learning experience is going well and you’ve come up with some successful strategies to have it running smoothly with your class. It’s all a learning curve, right?
9. Will Ferrell says it all!

The Stages of Teacher-Covid Life:
- When you first hear about home learning
- Your first Zoom staff meeting
- Try to make your zoom meetings more exciting so kids will show up
- You realize how hard this is
- When a kid asks for login info in Week 8
- Your last zoom meeting
- When the year ends and you didn’t get to say goodbye.
10. Parents are feeling it too!

We all know this feeling at the beginning of any school year, right?
11. Everyone will be glad when school goes back to normal!

Parents you’re not the only ones!
In Closing – Lockdown Teacher Memes
Well, what a year!
Education has certainly had some major challenges this year and this doesn’t even go into the current going back-to-school situation for many teachers. Remember to stay positive – you are doing an AWESOME job!
I think these 11 lockdown teacher memes will help and relieve some tension – They’re probably some of the funniest I’ve seen.
Enjoy the chuckle.
Do you have some favourites that are new and clever? SHARE them in the comments.
BEFORE YOU GO, if you’re finding the stress is a bit too much to bear, take advantage of my FREE Stress-Busting Tips for Teachers Printable. It offers 15 easy ideas to help you wind down and release the stress tension. Get it HERE:
Here are Some Other Inspiring Posts for You:
- The 12 Best Inspirational Quotes for Teachers
- 15 Funny Teacher Memes (Only Teachers Will Get)
- Enjoy Your Life with 9 Relaxing Hobbies for Teachers

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