Inside: Do you need some ideas to create your own self-care kit? Read to find some easy items to make a self-care kit for you and other great tips too.

When you have some time, set yourself up with a self-care kit to be ready for the times that get crazy busy, you’re tired and you feel like some tender-loving-care.
This concept of a self-care kit is pretty new to me, but it makes so much sense to have all of your favourite things together in one spot to help with some self-love.
Some of you may be also living with chronic health conditions or suffering from mental illnesses; like anxiety or depression and it can be quite exhausting dealing with these symptoms. Trust me, I know!
So, if you’re going to thrive as a teacher, I think it’s crucial for you to take the time to look after yourself. Create your own self-care kit to help you to do this.
But, Self-care, like any other important task, needs to be prioritized.
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You should be intentional about Self-care
Being intentional about self-care means that you will have to make it a priority in your day. Do this by adding your self-care activities to the daily/weekly list of things you need to do.
Or you could set self-care goals for yourself. Write statements like: “I will take care of myself this school year” or “I will add self-care activities to my to-do list each week.”
You’re busy. I get it. Teacher are!
For self-care to become a reality, you’ll need to find some things you can implement into your busy schedule.
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A great book I’ve been using to help me with some quick daily self-care ideas is called: A Moment for Teachers: Self-care for Busy Teachers. (101 ways for teachers to become more inspired, peaceful, and confident in 30 seconds by Alice Langholt.
Ideas for Self-care for busy teachers
Here are some useful self-care tips from the book that can be done anywhere:
- 30 Second Mediation – try this alone or with your students for a powerful effect. – quiet your breathing and sit still for 30 seconds. Try to hear, feel and experience your heart beating. Notice the way it affects you and your students.
- Say affirmations – to align yourself with positive energy, attract more good things into your life, and increase optimism, say each of these things aloud and with feeling – 1. I am innovative. 2. I tap into an unlimited flow of creativity. 3. My enthusiasm is contagious.
- Hug yourself – Self-appreciation is important for everyone’s self-esteem, whatever their age. Hugging yourself feels good inside and out and gently stretches your muscles, releasing arm and shoulder tension and relieving stress.
These are also great ways to practice Mindfulness in your day, to help improve your wellbeing and relieve stress.
Related Article: 6 Easy Ways to Bring Mindfulness into the Classroom + Free Printable
Remember: You’re important and ‘worthy of your own self-care’ Self-Care for
The importance of self-care for teachers
So back to the self-care kit.
If you have your kit made up ready, it will make it quicker and easier to access the ‘medicine of love’ you will need at your low times or for a daily ‘pick-me-up’.
Being very passionate about self-care for women, particularly teachers, I’ve written many posts about how important it is, not forget about yourself in the day-to-day.
If you’ve read articles, like 8 Simple Habits of Self-care for Busy Teachers you’ll understand that self-care is more than just personal care. It is a holistic approach encompassing all aspects of your wellbeing needed for preventative health care.
With this in mind, creating a self-care kit is, and should be very personal.
It might be something you choose to carry around with you in a purse of backpack or keep in a box or cane basket (like mine) at home or at school.
So in this line with this, I have decided to be more intentional about my own self-care and implement some strategies to help me follow through when I get extremely busy and in need of some calming.
This is where the self-care kit will come in.
Do you need some self-care kit ideas?
I always need ideas before I can start new things – I’m just not very creative that way.
If you need some self-care kit ideas too, I’ve been researching what to put in my own kit and I wanted to share some possible calming items for you to start your own one as well.
It might be for an emergency self-care kit – you know the times when you’re so busy in the term that you can’t even remember what day it is or you’re so tired you just crash and burn at the end of each day?
You don’t want to get like that. You want to make sure you are maintaining self-care throughout the term and year before you burn out. I’m saying this from experience.
So, here’s some ideas for you…
Suggested self-care kit items
If you don’t know where to get started, I’ve included some ideas for your ‘at home’ or school self-care kit and some items that might be more mobile for your handbag or car, as well.
Pick and choose what resonates with you and what will be calming when you need it.
These are some of the favourites that I’ve found and are certainly soothing and caring. I hope you like them too 🙂
1. Soothing herbal tea.
I love the calming effects of a hot, fragrant herbal tea. If you need some suggestions for what tea to try, my current favourites are chamomile and honey, peppermint and chai green tea.
Don’t forget to include your favourite pretty cup to enhance the enjoyment of this experience too.
Related Article: Practicing Self-care to Prevent Teacher Burnout

2. A pretty journal and pen
A great way to get out your negative thoughts is to write them down. Or, you might be wanting to change to a positive mindset. Both os these can be done with gratitude journaling. It’s helping me every day to become more positive and really value the good things I have in my life. Give it a go for yourself.
Enter a pretty journal and favourite pen.
My pick: Good Days Start with Gratitude Journal
For pretty pens, K-Mart has some lovely glittery pens that are really cheap and are beautiful to write with.
Or a pen like this would be beautiful to write with:

3. Aromatherapy oils
Aromatherapy oils are an excellent natural way to change your mood and create a feeling of calm. Put your favourite oils into your basket and use with a diffuser for an all-around room lift.
You can also add your oils to roller applicators for an easy way to apply for the relief of headaches or target areas to enhance the calm in your body. (Tip: just add a few drops of both lavender and peppermint oil with Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deliciously fragrant way to lift your mood and energy).
Read my post about using 3 Essential oils to improve teacher wellbeing. It includes some practical uses to help relax after an exhausting day at school.

4. Nail care items
Often I don’t seem to find the time for my nails, but I know when I do, it gives me an instant lift to my spirits.
If you’re a regular user of nail care items; like nail polish, add your favourite colours to your kit along with the polish remover and pads. Don’t forget about adding the cuticle oil and files, as well, to lift your day with a quick at-home manicure.
5. Favourite snack
I try to steer clear of sweet snacks, but if chocolate or lollies are your ‘go-to’ to give you a lift, you can add them to your kit too. I do love chocolate and my favourite type would have to be Loving Earth’s Salted Caramel flavour. (but it could be any type of chocolate from this brand).

If you’re trying to be healthy and still want to have a nibble on something, add some trail mix, nuts or something like that, for a low sugar, healthier treat.
Related Article: Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas for Teachers on the Run
6. A good book
I’m usually into books about self-improvement, but I think when you need a bit of TLC the book genre to read would have to be a good love story.
One of my favourite romance reads is Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes. You’ll definitely need the tissues for this one. (It’s also been made into a movie – One of my faves!).

My Pick: Me Before You by Jo Jo Moyes
7. Colouring book and pencils or felt-tip pens
Do you like colouring?
If you have the patience and take enjoyment in it, colouring is a wonderful way to centre yourself and feel calmer. Colouring is a well-known mindfulness activity, which will also help with stress relief. A must-add for your kit!
My Pick: Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book by Joanna Basford
8. Positive affirmations
I really like to use affirmations to help change my mood.
I’ve been using more affirmations lately to help with my depression and anxiety and it’s really helping. I love the ones that speak self-love and appreciation.
I’ve written about how affirmations can be used for a calmer start to the day in a recent post called Mindful Mornings for Teachers. Check it out!
So add some written positive affirmations and give them a go. You’ll be surprised how they can help change your frame of mind.
Related Article: 19 Positive Affirmations for Teachers you need to start Now!
9. Hand cream
Hand cream or lotion is a pretty boring everyday item, but I have found that applying hand cream is a quick and easy way to help soothe your skin as well as your mood.
If you’re like me, you often forget to put moisturiser on, so if you have it ready to grab in your kit, you can give yourself a little pampering to help yourself feel good. Plus your hands with thank you!
This cocoa butter moisturising lotion is so beautifully rich and smells delicious enough to eat. I love this one!

10. Handwritten notes from friends or students
As teachers, we often receive lovely handwritten notes from our students or colleagues showing their appreciation of us. You know, the ones you get at the end of the school year?
Don’t throw them away! Collect them and choose your favourites to add to your self-care kit. When you’re feeling low, read them – it will give you a lovely reminder of the wonderful impact you have on people’s lives and give you all the feels.
Tip: Glue all of your precious notes into a keepsake scrapbook to cherish and remember the sentiments.
11. Headphones
Add a pair of headphones or earbuds to your self-care kit ready to switch on some of your favourite tunes and lift. that. mood.
I love to listen to upbeat music and dance around. This really lifts my spirits. Some of my favourite tracks are: You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall & Oats, Oh What a Life by American Authors and Walking on a Dream by Empire of the Sun. They’re oldies, but they get you moving, which I like.
Why don’t you make your own self-care playlist and have it ready to go?
If you’re not one for dancing, give it a try – it pumps the blood and is definitely uplifting. (I talk about how music is an important way to help reconnect with yourself for your self-care routine, in my article Practicing Self-care to Prevent Teacher Burnout.
12. Tissues
Lastly, don’t forget the tissues.
If you’re feeling low, like I know you get sometimes as a teacher, tears come with the territory, so you’ll need some tissues on hand in your self-care kit.
Well, that’s it.
Use this FREE Self-care Planner to start prioritizing your own self-care needs:
This is only just a short list of self-care items. But, make your kit achievable and not too loaded up.
I’m sure there are many other things you can use to create your own self-care kit and these ideas will get you started.
‘Self-care come into my life!’ I’ve made my kit, what about you?
Let me know some of your favourite items you’ll be adding to your self-care kit. I’d love to know.
Remember you’re worth it!
Michelle x
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