Inside: Are you looking for the best essential oils for teachers? Read to find out about 3 of the best essential oils to support teacher wellbeing, relieve stress and calm the overwhelm.

As a teacher, it’s hugely important to take care of yourself to prevent the risk of teacher burnout.
Lately, I’ve been looking for healthy alternatives to support my wellbeing and I’ve started experimenting using essential oils.
I thought I’d share the 3 best essential oils for teachers, that I’ve found, to help you wind down, relax and relieve stress after a tough day at school!
A brief overview of the benefits of Essential Oils
If you haven’t had anything to do with essential oils, I’d thought I’d give you a little bit of background about them.
Essential oils are concentrated oils derived from plants and have unique properties that can naturally support your health and this is called Aromatherapy, which I’m sure you’ve heard of.
Humans have used these natural essences from plants for thousands of years to treat a variety of health conditions and there is a huge variety to choose from. For example peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, tea tree oil and rose oil. You may even have some of these in your bathroom cabinet.
I personally have had an interest in essential oils for many years and I love the idea of using their natural properties as part of a holistic approach to my own health.
With careful guidance, I’ve been using several oils to help me to unwind and decompress while at home to deal with stress and overwhelm from my job.
In my search for the best essential oils for teachers, particularly to help with stress relief and relaxation, I’ve become an advocate of Doterra Essential Oils because of their quality and the huge variety to choose from.
I’ve been gaining a great deal of information from books like Essential Oils; Ancient medicine by Dr Josh Axe, Ty Bollinger and Jordan Rubin. and you can read my post called Wellness books I’m Reading Lately, where I discuss the wealth of knowledge of this ancient medicine, that you can use in your own home too.
What I’ve learnt is that Essential Oils have an amazing capacity to help with relaxation, assist in relieving stress and support your immune health, all needed to help teachers in their demanding jobs.
This is just what I needed, as I get quite wound-up and stressed after a long day at school, as many of you do too.
Best essential oils for teachers to Support health naturally
The best three essentials oils for stress-relief that I’m using at the moment are Frankincense, Geranium and Lavender. They all have wonderful relaxing qualities needed to help calm the nervous system and are easy to incorporate in your day.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil ‘often called the ‘king of oil’s’ is a powerful, effective and incredibly therapeutic oil and comes from the Boswellia tree.
It is one of the most prized and precious essential oils known for its extraordinary health benefits (Axe, Bollinger and Rubin, 2016). You might remember from your childhood, that this is one of the oils presented to baby Jesus at his birth.
‘It has a warm and woody, sweet and spicy, rich and resinous aroma with a light lemony undertone’ (Wilson, 2002).
Key Benefits of Frankincense Oil:
- Combats negative emotions and stress
- Supports immunity and prevents illness
- Encourages healthy hormone levels
- May ease digestion
- helps relieve inflammation
Frankincense oil may help induce a feeling of peace and relaxation, making it ideal for meditation.
Use – diffuse 3 drops of frankincense oil
to boost the immune system and promote calmness

Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is the most commonly used essential oil in the world.
It is often considered a must-have oil to keep on hand at all times due to its versatile uses; including relaxing properties that promote peaceful sleep and ease feelings of tension (Axe, Bollinger and Rubin, 2016). You might already have this one in your medicine cupboard.
Key Benefits of Lavender Oil:
- Helps improve sleep
- May reduce anxiety and depression
- Helps relieve headaches
- Encourages healthy skin

Home Remedy:
Here is a home remedy using Lavender Essential oil. It will help you to wind down and relax after a busy day at school. I use this one regularly and it’s great to do before bed to prepare the body for restful sleep.
Healing Bath salts – combine 1 cup of Epsom salts and ½ cup of baking soda. At bath time add dry ingredients to bath with 10-15 drops of lavender oil. Soak for 20 – 30 minute to relax.
Geranium Oil
Geranium is commonly used as a holistic treatment to improve various aspects of physical, mental and emotional health, as it has antidepressant, antiseptic and wound-healing properties.
Key Benefits of Geranium Oil:
- Helps balance hormones, and can help ease the symptoms of PMS and menstruation
- Assists in relieving stress
- Helps fight depression
N.B. Since geranium oil influences certain hormone secretions, please avoid during the first trimester of pregnancy, and use in topical dilutions only thereafter.
Last word on Essential Oil use
Warning: You need to be aware that Essential oils are a very powerful remedy that requires caution in using.
But with care, I hope you can enjoy the wonderful therapeutic benefits of essential oils, promoting and supporting wellbeing with their wonderful relaxation properties.
What a great natural way to relax after a long day at school and support teacher wellbeing!

Remember you are worth it.
Michelle x
2016, Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine, Dr Josh Axe, Ty Bolinger & Jordan Rubin.
2002, The Essential Guide to Essential Oils, Roberta Wilson.
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