Find out how shifting your mindset can be made by using these 19 positive teacher affirmations. Lift your mood, build resilience and assist you to thrive in a demanding job.

One of the big things I learned in my early days as a teacher came from a mentor while I was on practicum experience.
This beautiful, warm and upbeat teacher, that I was so keen to model myself on, impacted me greatly with her wonderful positive outlook and encouraging spirit. She taught me how essential it is for teachers to be positive in all they do.
Help change your thinking with Positive Teacher Affirmations. Get a FREE copy here:
I vividly remember when she told me about teachers needing to be ‘flexible‘ if they were going to survive and be successful. (I think this last bit is probably my interpretation). But, I do distinctly know she used the words about being flexible.
She also modelled the positive vibe being kindled in a school and this spilled out to those around her. I recall the times when she brought thoughtful home-cooked goodies and treats for staff morning teas… just because.
In our discussions together I don’t think the term mindset wasn’t used, but the positive thinking came through loud and clear!… but I don’t think I really understood the power in this outlook.
The important takeaway? — It’s paramount to have a positive mindset to be able to thrive as a teacher.
What a wonderful role model she was!
But you know what?
Along the way, I think I forgot about how important a positive mindset is for us as teachers.
I knew to tell my students about being flexible – especially when our schedule got ‘mucked up’ or we had to change our plans. I’d also teach them about positive thinking and by just putting a smile on our faces, we could change the way we feel or the act of walking through my classroom door became a place of positiveness.
But over time, I think the stress and huge demands of the teaching job took a toll on me and dragged me down. And as a consequence, I think I ‘dropped the ball’ in this area of my teaching life.
My positivity dwindled. I became tired and negative and I’d lost my passion for teaching.
I forgot my ‘why.’ And without having a positive mindset and focus, I was unable to balance out the challenges and tough times that came my way and it eventually wore me down.
And it’s only in the reflection of this time, and my experience of teacher burnout, that I’ve really understood how essential a positive mindset is in my life and what I now believe is such a crucial component in teacher longevity and resilience.
The teaching life is a balancing act — there’s so many moving parts that we have to get right if it’s going to be sustainable.
And this is where positive teacher affirmations come in…
Download your FREE positive teachers’ affirmations from the Resource Library here:
The power of positive teacher affirmations
I want to share what I’ve learnt about this missing element that’s not taught at teachers’ college or uni and how important it is.
I believe that by being intentional about adopting a positive mindset it will help you to keep the passion you have for teaching at the forefront of your mind. It will also build up the resilience you’ll need to thrive in such an important and sometimes difficult and draining job.
Do you remember why you became a teacher?
Remembering your teaching passion and staying positive, even in difficult times, is a must to help you get through the tough times that we all know comes with the territory.
When you get down to it, there’s not much point focusing on the negatives… this only keeps you feeling frustrated and down.
Related Article: How to Improve Teacher Mental Health: A Personal Story
Revisit your teaching passion each day.
See it in your mind. Think about it, and speak about it each day. Write it down and keep it close to you as a daily reminder of your ‘why’.
By refreshing your mind and focusing your thoughts on all that you love and find worthwhile as a teacher, will help renew your energy. And by celebrating the positives each day and vocalising them, I believe they will manifest in your life. Give it a try for yourself!
Get a printable list of positive affirmations especially for teachers here:
What are positive teacher affirmations?
Positive affirmations are just ‘positive phrases or statements used to challenge negative or unhelpful thoughts.’ And when these are repeated over and over, they will help to challenge the unconscious patterns of inner self-talk.
Affirmations are a powerful strategy that positively impacts the way you think… This thinking then affects what you say, what you dwell on and ultimately impacts your actions – both positively and negatively. That’s the amazing power of the mind!
Henry Ford is well known for this thought-provoking quote:
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.
Henry Ford
I love this saying and I use it a lot. It really ‘hits the nail on the head’ when it comes to how important our mindset and thinking is in our lives.
But, if you’ve never used repetition of positive affirmation to focus your mind, know that it’s a very well-known positive psychology strategy to build self-affirmation.
Studies have shown that the repetition of affirmations improves the brain to change your outlook on life, to lower stress and reduce the health-deteriorating impacts of stress on the body, amongst other things.
This was certainly an area that I needed help with.
Have you ever noticed that when you’re thinking about the negative stuff in your life, you will then often find things to support this thinking with ‘evidence’? For example; you arrive at school and you’re tired — you didn’t sleep well and the exhaustion makes you feel grouchy and negative. While you’re like this, everything seems to support your mood….‘ it’s not fair to have your IEP’s in by tomorrow, there are too many duties, teaching takes over your life, the workload is too much, you have no time… and the list goes o — Your brain is seeking this ‘evidence’ to support your negative thinking.
But when you adjust your thinking to a more positive outlook (even if you’re not really ‘feeling it’), your brain will start to ‘look’ for the good things.
So now I’m changing my bad attitude with this powerful method of positive teacher affirmations which I found also reduces my daily stress and makes me feel much better about being a teacher – even when there are many challenges to handle each day.
And so to help you too, I’ve gathered together these 19 positive teacher affirmations to start you off and help focus on the positives. This will keep your thoughts on all the good you experience in your job.
They will help you to be more mindful and reframe any old patterns of ‘stinking thinking’ you might have picked up over time. (which I confess, I was guilty of).
19 positive teacher affirmations
Use these statements of positivity daily to help lift your morale or just to shift your mindset off of the negatives and also calm you in times of stress.
Tip: Positive affirmations are best said out loud to help feel the power of the words and to focus you on the benefits they will impart in your life.
I dare you to have a go — It helps me and I’m sure positive teacher affirmations will help you too!
Use these 19 positive teacher affirmations by regularly reading them out loud throughout the day:
1. I am calm
2. I will not worry about things out of my control
3. I will focus on what makes me happy
4. Every moment in my life is a new beginning
5. I actively participate in the present
6. I’m grateful for every blessing in my life
7. I see the infinite wonder of each moment in my life
8. I breathe in the present and breathe out the past
9. I am in control of my thought-life
10. My thoughts don’t have power over me
11. I am doing the best I can
12. I believe in myself
13. My teaching work is important
14. My work makes a difference in the world
15. I love being a teacher
16. I control the quality of the learning environment I teach in
17. I create a caring and supportive learning environment
18. My influence goes far beyond the walls of the classroom
19. What I do matters
These affirmations won’t be a magic cure.
It will take time with regular practise to shift your mindset and help you feel stronger and more positive.
But to help you, and make it easier to use, I’ve made a FREE one-page printable PDF of these statements to PRINT and LAMINATE to use on daily basis. Get it HERE.
How to use positive teacher affirmations?
As I said, using positive teacher affirmations an a daily basis will help REFRAME your thoughts and mindset… but understand that lasting, long term change will only come with repetition.
I have found that the most successful way to make this happen is to have them visible and in front of me so that I can incorporate into my day.
Tip: Why not download and print a copy of this list, then begin to read them out loud to yourself each day. (It might seem silly at first, but it will get easier as you go along.)
The way I use them: I read my affirmations printable to myself after I wake up each morning, while I’m having a quiet herbal tea — I intentionally make this a part of my daily morning routine. Then, I repeat them over and over to myself throughout the day. This keeps me focused on the positives for the day.
You’ll find that once you get familiar will them, you’ll be able to recite them with ease. Your positive affirmations will become a habit and you’ll be able to recall them when needed.
This is where this power comes in. The more you say them, the more you’ll believe them.
Note: Keep in mind that when you start this activity, you might not feel fully aligned their intent, but as time goes on, eventually it won’t seem as awkward or different to say. As you continue this repetition, you’ll begin to feel the power in these words and the effectiveness will be evident.
Positive teacher affirmations WILL start to shift your mindset and rewire your brain. This, in turn, will help keep you grounded and calm when busyness or anxiety strikes for whatever reason and this will give you the positive ‘shot in the arm’ to get through any challenges.
If you ever feel the overwhelm or stress strikes, start the chant – I am calm…I will not worry about things I can’t control…I will focus on what makes me happy… You get the idea.
N.B. Don’t forget to breathe deeply as you say the words and you’ll experience the true calming and positive effects.
A final word on positive teacher affirmations
You know teaching is demanding. It’s, therefore, necessary to gain the skills to help you cope with these challenges. And by using an evidence-based positive psychology approach like this, will support you and assist in times of stress and overwhelm – if and when they arise.
Learn to work smarter as a teacher – pace yourself, slow down where you can, say your positive affirmations and remember to enjoy what you do – Life is too short!
Don’t forget to get your FREE printable here before you go!
Remember you’re worth it!
Michelle x
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