Have you heard some of these sayings that people use to tease teachers? You know, all the misconceptions and things you shouldn’t say to a teacher [to their face, anyway?] Read these top 10…have a laugh and enjoy them in a light-hearted spirit.

I was listening to an interesting new podcast called Love Your Mom Life, and as the presenter interviewed her guest – Cameron Githreath Normand, a coach to step-mums from This Custom Life, I started to make some connections in my own life. (Side note: The podcast is created by a blogging friend called Nikki, from Your Ideal Mom Life and I met both of these beautiful ladies earlier in the year in Florida at a business workshop).
I’m not a step-mum, but Cameron, an insider herself into the life of a stepmom, spoke about many of the negative myths and misconceptions that are often perpetuated about the role of stepmoms in society and the difficulties navigating the road to starting a blended family – through the lens of being a teacher, my ears pricked up.
As I sat listening to this great talk, as I flew home from visiting my son and daughter-in-law, it made me think on all the ways that teachers are ALSO often misunderstood in our society and the many myths associated with the life of a teacher flooded into my mind.
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Misconceptions about teachers you should never repeat to their face:
— You know… the GROSS INACCURACIES and lies that are kept alive when people talk about us hard-working educators. And don’t get me started on false representations of teachers in pop culture.
These sayings can be used to bate teachers or directed to us as quips and quick comebacks when you choose to bear your soul about the reality of teaching.
I’m sure you’ve heard them too… even from your relatives and acquaintances that think they ‘KNOW’ what it’s like to be a teacher and they’re all TOO happy to remind you – ‘How good you have it!‘ (Because they really don’t have a clue).
And don’t get me wrong, you would never hear these from your TRUE supporters – the beautiful loved ones that live with you, who see all the arduous hours of marking and planning every day; plus all the late nights spent completing report cards or supervising at the school disco duty and parent interviews – They’re the ones who know the facts.
These myths are the statements that come from the so-called ‘experts’ that we shouldn’t give the time of day to, BUT I know you’ll relate to them and can have a laugh with me while taking them with a ‘grain of salt.’
Because WE all know this sort of stuff is untrue.
Enjoy these sayings in the fun spirit in which they’re intended
So. in the spirit of light-hearted fun and humour, I thought I’d share the top 10 things we will hear ‘on the regular’, that we all know ARE total fabrications, however, on the surface might sound like they’re based in truth.
If you loved my 15 Funny Teacher Memes [Only Teachers will Get] or 11 Humorous Lockdown Teacher Memes (You Have to Laugh At!], or need some encouragement – have a smile, my friend, and know there are other supportive colleagues who’ve GOT YOUR BACK and truly know what it’s like to spend all the hours as a caring and dedicated teacher.
So here goes… You’ve probably heard of many of these.
I hope you have a chuckle and get the ‘inside’ nature of these things you SHOULDN’T say to a teacher because I know you’ll be nodding along with me!
No. 1 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘You only work from 9:00 – 3:00 pm don’t you?’
Umm, are you in the real world? We all know as teachers that this is a pure fallacy and now an urban myth.
No. 2 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘But, you have ALL those holidays!’
If the average person only knew how exhausted and utterly wiped-out we are by the time the holidays come along. And without them, we probably wouldn’t even survive.
Have they not heard of TEACHER TIRED? 😂
No. 3 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘Well, Teaching IS a calling.’

This one actually makes me really mad. As if all the work we do in our own time and all the money we spend on resources coming out of our pocket is ok – just because it’s our CALLING!
No. 4 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘Teaching is what you do when you can’t do anything else.’

Here’s a comeback – Teaching is the only profession that teaches all other professions. Take that! HaHa!!
No. 5 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘You must have FUN as a teacher!’

Do they not know that teaching is like trying to herd cats?!
No. 6 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘But, you’re a professional!’

This is used pretty often in Australia and I see it as meaning – just suck it up, buttercup or as a bit of a threat. I’m sure you know what I mean!
No. 7 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘Those that can’t do, TEACH.’

Have you heard this one before? it’s an oldie! But, still UNKIND!
No. 8 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘Well we’ve all been to school, so we’re all probably EXPERTS on it.’

Every man and his dog is an expert!
No. 9 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘Have you tried making your lessons more FUN?’

Um… are you kidding? No, I try and make lessons the dullest and uninteresting as I can! (tongue firmly planted in cheek. LOL!)
No. 10 – Things you shouldn’t say to a teacher – ‘If you really cared about kids, money shouldn’t be an issue.’

How about we use the calculations that babysitters use to find out how much they’re owed?
A final word on things you shouldn’t say to a teacher
Well there they are. The top 10 things you should say to a teacher.
Most of us know that there’s always plenty of things people love to tease teachers about and we seem to be one of the professions on the back-end of other people’s humour.
I hoped you enjoyed these things you should say and take them in the spirit that it’s meant by and that’s just having a bit of fun and light-hearted ‘inside’ teacher humour. 😂😂
Michellle x
Related Posts:
- 11 Humorous Lockdown Teacher Memes [You Have to Laugh At!]
- 15 Funny Teacher Memes (Only Teachers Will Get)
- The 12 Best Inspirational Quotes for Teachers + Freebie

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